Exact Match

Contains the exact keyword and/ or phrase being targeted. This is the most specific type of match type. Ex: Broad Match Keyword Being Targeted: women’s hats, Example Search: women’s hat


Broad Match

An ad may show if the person’s search term contains the keyword that the advertiser is targeting. This can be in any order and can include other terms around it. This allows the advertiser to [...]


Quality Score

Formula created by the search engines that takes the click through rate and many other factors into account in order to determine a score from 1-10 that justifies the relevancy of the [...]


Negative Keywords

Advertisers are able to set certain keywords to ‘negative’ to ensure their ads do not display for specific search terms. This helps an advertiser qualify the type of clicks going to their website.


Impression Share

Total number of impressions received divided by the estimated number of impressions a campaign is eligible to receive. The eligibility is based on the current ad’s targeting settings, approval [...]


Day Parting

An optimization feature that allows the advertiser to adjust when ads are running on all publishers. Example: You only want to run your ads during normal business hours. This can be done using [...]